
Today’s ponderings come from Winnie the Pooh, who I’m finding remarkably relevant to living/becoming/developing in this strange and scary 21st century. So philosophical! So Vygotskian! So post-postmodern!  (Thank you, A.A.Milne for your creation.)   “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that...

That's the title of an invited address I gave in 2011 at the Third International Academic Conference on Contemporary Capitalism Studies in Hangzhou China, just three months after Fred Newman passed away. Today, my colleagues and I are in the early stages of designing some kind of video documentary of...

These words, written twenty years ago by renowned social constructionist Ken Gergen, are surely worth pondering today. "In important degree, identity politics is a descendent of Western, individualist ideology. It is not the single individual who commands our interest in this case; rather individual identity is conflated with group identity. Individual...

While I don’t own the article I wrote for the recent journal Mind, Culture and Activity (the publisher does), I do have “permission” to share the online link to it. The first 50 people to go there can read it!  (How generous publishers are.) I titled it “Musings on ecological...

When I have an academic presentation to make or an article to write on social therapeutic methodology, it's usually an opportunity to play around with conceptions I've spoken and written about many times before. I like the challenge of creating new frames ("What do I want to say to this...

I spent last week with 16 Japanese professors and graduate students who traveled to NYC for an immersion in social therapeutics, the psychology of becoming, and a first-hand experience with how these "tools-and-results" help people grow by performing our sociality and building community. We had a wonderful time together. By...