
    I'll be playing "Development Tour Guide" once again this coming May 16-18 as I lead another Discover Development NYC weekend. It's a unique small-group experience in seeing and making culture in one of the world's most vibrant cities. Contact Melissa Meyer at if you're interested.   Click here for more information.     ...

Here’s something I’ve been mulling over for a long time (decades!): the “blessing and the curse” that is human language. What an invention! Making sounds together creating meanings, meanings creating and shaping and reshaping perceptions, concepts, beliefs, feelings, relationships, images, imagination… What we have done and continue to do with, and...

December 1, 2013 Los Más Grandes Mitos Acerca de las Emociones & Como Debilitarlos ¿Donde viven las emociones? La respuesta te puede sorprender. (translated by Sandra Paola Lopez: "The Biggest Myths about Emotions and How to Weaken Their Grip") Con toda esta cháchara acerca de las emociones y el cerebro, usted podrá pensar que...

November 21, 2013 Dear Readers, I'll be transferring this site to its newly designed, easier to navigate, and more intereactive format over this weekend. It's been nearly two months in the making and, while I'm pretty happy with it, what matters is if you are! The impetus for the redesign was my decision...

October 26, 2013 If you think that creativity, play and imagination are vital to personal and social transformation, then I have some folks you need to meet—Steve Dahlberg and Mary Alice Long. Steve is director of the Connecticut-based International Centre for Creativity and Imagination,  which applies creativity to improve the well-being of individuals, organizations...

September 20, 2013 Although Vygotsky’s ideas are applied to dozens of disciplines/practices, psychotherapy is not among them. With few exceptions, contemporary Vygotskians have stayed clear of the sub- ject; and most psychotherapy researchers and clinical practitioners have little familiarity with Vygotsky—despite Vygotsky’s challenge to psychology’s isolation of the intellectual from the...