01 Feb Words to Ponder # 39
The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next. Ursula K. Le Guin...
The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next. Ursula K. Le Guin...
I loved being interviewed by the wonderful Aurelie Harp for her important project, Womanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFsLSqsNQt8&feature=youtu.be...
As the moment in history we know of as the year 2020 comes to a close, the online, print, radio and TV media are filled with remembrances of those we’ve lost this year—from the famous whose names we knew before.2020, to those who died at the hands of police whose...
Improvisation is becoming more and more known, understood, practiced and valued around the world, and so I feel OK assuming that if you’re reading this, you’ve heard of “Yes, and…” It’s the golden rule of improv (or impro). It’s a rule that’s applied to guide improvisors in how to relate...
My wishes for the new year...
I don't read very much poetry, so I'm new to the work of Alberto Rios. So far I love the poems of his I've read—and these words I've been pondering. "I have been around other languages all my life, particularly Spanish, and have too often thought of the act of translation...
Free to Perform, Perform to Be Free, Sponsored by The Women's Forum of NY...
That's the title of a Women's Forum of New York panel organized and moderated by Women's Forum member and All Stars Project CEO Gabrielle Kurlander. I loved the diversity of our voices in response to Gabrielle's invitational questions. I hope you do too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRvnKgHQYc0&feature=youtu.be ...
I want to tempt you to read this dialogic chapter written by me and Tomas Pernecky in his edited book, Postdisciplinary Knowledge. I thank Tomas for the fun we had and for the opportunity to contribute to the first book to articulate postdisciplinarity in philosophical, theoretical and methodological terms. Here's how...
On November 9 I had the pleasure of being featured at the Normal? Brain Festival, originating in Folkestone UK (where it has taken place since 2015 in person over four days). This year the festival went virtual and runs through April 2020. The purpose is to bring science and art together...