Youth Tag

April 17, 2010 Anyone who knows me and/or visits this site knows I'm an avid supporter of the All Stars Project and have been since it began some decades ago. The All Stars' program are exquisite applications of the social therapeutic approach to human development because they are uniquely suited to...

April 16, 2010 On April 15, my good friend and colleague Lenora Fulani delivered a brilliant statement about educational policy at the National Action Network's Annual National Convention in New York City. Dr. Fulani, a developmental psycholoigst and political activist, co-founded the All Stars Project, Inc. and its Operation Conversation: Cops...

March 18,2010 Here's the link to a video of the scened from the Work/Play described below January, 15, 2010 I was delighted to see The Work/Play - the current production of Youth OnStage! (the youth theatre of the All Stars Project) - featured in a column by Ellen Galinsky in today's Huffington Post....

October 30, 2009 These days, la Cuidad Juárez in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico is pretty much known for one thing—violent crime. No denying the destruction of life and transformation of culture that’s hit this city so hard. But it is not the whole story (it never is). [caption id="attachment_321" align="alignleft" width="300"...