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December 28, 2009 I ended 2009 with two adventures—one in Russia and the other in Serbia. Two different trips, two different countries, two different organizing milieus—connected in our collective histories with each other and with Vygotsky. I spent a week in Moscow and its surrounds, mostly at the 10th Annual Vygotsky Memorial...

October 30, 2009 These days, la Cuidad Juárez in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico is pretty much known for one thing—violent crime. No denying the destruction of life and transformation of culture that’s hit this city so hard. But it is not the whole story (it never is). [caption id="attachment_321" align="alignleft" width="300"...

April 10, 2009 "It is not only a Vygotskian atmosphere where professionals share different backgrounds, but a zone where you may improve your human skills and to help others to perform a better world." --Ignacio Dalton, educational researcher, Buenos Aires Argentina "The class has been such a wonderful support system, helping...

April 7, 2009 I've been making a series of presentations in recent months around New York City and I've thoroughly enjoyed speaking with diverse audiences of undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staffs at universities, conferences and human service organizations. The topics of my talks have varied—"Play is the Thing," "Learning in...

February 7, 2009 I'm excited about a new course offering of the East Side Institute, where I am privileged to be director. It's entitled, "Conversations with a Black Minority: Postmodern Marxists in Dialogue about a New and Innovative Approach to "Black" Psychology," and it will be led by four powerful African...