activist scholars Tag

Here's a unique and exciting opportunity—Apply to be a Fulani Fellow! This fellowship will be a rigorous introduction to and immersion in the on-the-ground ?practice, methodology, and approach to human development employed in the programs of the All Stars Project. The fellowship is designed as an opportunity for young professionals to train...

  ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PROPOSALS September 23-25, 2016 Deadline for Proposals: February 21, 2016 The ninth Performing the World (PTW) conference will be held in New York City, Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25, 2016. As the practice, understanding and appreciation for performance and play continue to grow, the world context in which...

What's Developing in a World in Crisis? with Jackie Salit and Lois Holzman Each month the East Side Institute chooses an audio or video recording from its storehouse of talks and workshops. Some are classics, going back to the 1990s and featuring Fred Newman's annual lectures and plays. Others are from events...

[caption id="attachment_2613" align="aligncenter" width="2448"] Taipei view, next to our hotel[/caption] In April I I had the privilege of spending 5 days in Taiwan at the invitation of a dear long-time colleague, Lin-Ching Hsia. She is a political leader, a community activist and a professor of psychology at Fu-jen Catholic University in...

On March 16 I had the pleasure of attending a symposium at which four Japanese colleagues presented their work. They were visiting the East Side Institute and All Stars Project to learn more, after having participated in a workshop I led months earlier in Kobe Japan. On their last day...

The Sunday, December 21, 2014 New York Times feature article, "Raising their Sights," on inspiring students at community colleges. The piece features La Gaurdia Community College psychology professor, Eduardo Vianna. Eduardo is a long-time friend and colleague. Read about his inique and effective program, the Peer Activist Learning Community....

              My week in Japan was gratifying in so many ways, most of all the experience of being a participant in the ongoing process of organizing the young generation of Japanese teacher educators and psychology researchers. (A close second was the wonderful taste and visual pleasure of every meal I was...