Youth Development

October 30, 2009 These days, la Cuidad Juárez in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico is pretty much known for one thing—violent crime. No denying the destruction of life and transformation of culture that’s hit this city so hard. But it is not the whole story (it never is). [caption id="attachment_321" align="alignleft" width="300"...

February 7, 2009 I'm excited about a new course offering of the East Side Institute, where I am privileged to be director. It's entitled, "Conversations with a Black Minority: Postmodern Marxists in Dialogue about a New and Innovative Approach to "Black" Psychology," and it will be led by four powerful African...

Some Words from Ana Marjanovic-Shane The headquarters of the East Side Institute was crowded with friends and colleagues and their friends and colleagues as we launched my new book, Vygotsky at Work and Play on January 23. We interrupted the chatter of conversation and book signing with a short program. Rafael...