
October 2, 2011 I'm thrilled to announce the next Performing the World (PTW) conference/festival, "Can Performance Change Save the World?" to take place in New York City October 4-7, 2012. Proposals are due March 1, 2012. The theme of the last PTW, held in 2010 and attended by over 500 people from dozens...

July 11, 2011 Hundreds of messages are filling my inbox—outpourings of condolences, love and respect on the passing of Fred Newman. From all corners of the world those who studied with Fred, read one of our books, heard him speak in person or on video, or “met” him through others are...

  May 31, 2011 May is one of my favorite months of the year, with light lasting into the evening hours, baby green tree buds turning into adult green leaves, and bursts of color (both flowers and people’s clothing) dotting the city streets. But this year I spent the middle of the...

January 26, 2011 A young friend of mine, Francelli Chapman, keeps a very active blog that I’m learning a lot from. An example: This great quote from Maya Angelou’s book, Letter to My Daughter—“Never whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood.” Francelli calls her blog, “The...

January 23, 2011 As a practitioner of and theoretician on how play and performance are essential for development across the life span, I see people developing and transforming through their ensemble activities all the time—in the spaces and places where they’re invited and encouraged to actively create their performances of themselves....

October 25, 2010 That's the question that over 500 people from 38 countries played and performed with, and created conversations, dances, music and  skits about—and simultaneously shared the inspiring and creative work they are doing in their communities, schools, hospitals, universities, NGOs and neighborhood streets. The event was Performing the World 2010,...

September 14, 2010 One evening last month I had a terrific time creating conversation on language, speaking and thinking with five young performers—members of an all-youth cast that recently performed Macbeth on one of the stages at the All Stars Project in NYC. I was blown away by the show. It...

August 16, 2010 My good friend Dan Friedman has written a paper I highly recommend. Entitled “Theatre for Nothing,” the paper delineates how theatre is being instrumentalized, especially in relation to social change efforts. Dan urges that politically oriented theatre activists recognize the stifling effect this is having on the potential...