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September 14, 2010 One evening last month I had a terrific time creating conversation on language, speaking and thinking with five young performers—members of an all-youth cast that recently performed Macbeth on one of the stages at the All Stars Project in NYC. I was blown away by the show. It...

February 23, 2010 [caption id="attachment_403" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fred Newman and Patch Adams"][/caption] This past Saturday I had the privilege of hosting Patch Adams  for the day between two university presentations he was giving that morning and evening. The meeting was a long time coming; Patch ("the clown who is a doctor") and I...

December 28, 2009 I ended 2009 with two adventures—one in Russia and the other in Serbia. Two different trips, two different countries, two different organizing milieus—connected in our collective histories with each other and with Vygotsky. I spent a week in Moscow and its surrounds, mostly at the 10th Annual Vygotsky Memorial...