
February 23, 2010 [caption id="attachment_403" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fred Newman and Patch Adams"][/caption] This past Saturday I had the privilege of hosting Patch Adams  for the day between two university presentations he was giving that morning and evening. The meeting was a long time coming; Patch ("the clown who is a doctor") and I...

January 22, 2010 In 2004 I initiated a program to support grassroots social entrepreneurs and activist-scholars whose work is too new or innovative or radical to get much support. The program is called  The International Class of the East Side Institute. As of today, over 50 people from five U.S. States...

March 18,2010 Here's the link to a video of the scened from the Work/Play described below January, 15, 2010 I was delighted to see The Work/Play - the current production of Youth OnStage! (the youth theatre of the All Stars Project) - featured in a column by Ellen Galinsky in today's Huffington Post....

January 7, 2010 I came across an interview with Ann Weimer Baumgardner – author of Pretend You're Normal: But Only When Absolutely Necessary, and described as a molecular geneticist, creative thinker, author and humorist on the website. I hadn't heard of Baumgardner (have you?) but I liked what I read. Here's...

December 28, 2009 I ended 2009 with two adventures—one in Russia and the other in Serbia. Two different trips, two different countries, two different organizing milieus—connected in our collective histories with each other and with Vygotsky. I spent a week in Moscow and its surrounds, mostly at the 10th Annual Vygotsky Memorial...

October 30, 2009 These days, la Cuidad Juárez in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico is pretty much known for one thing—violent crime. No denying the destruction of life and transformation of culture that’s hit this city so hard. But it is not the whole story (it never is). [caption id="attachment_321" align="alignleft" width="300"...

September 16, 2009 In a few weeks, I’ll begin working (and playing) with a new International Class—grass roots community activists and scholars who will gather at the East Side Institute for their first residency. Coming from different places and professions, they share a desire to change the world—and an eagerness to...

August 19, 2009 Popular books, especially if they relate to current events, get reviewed  as soon as they are published—and sometimes before. Not so academic books. Alas, it's typically a year before a review appears in print. So I was pleasantly surprised today to find an email in my inbox from...