
I'm looking for people interested in exploring the politics, ethics and activity of a relational psychology of becoming.   Social Therapeutics and the Practice of Method: An Advanced Online Course with Lois Holzman and Faculty February — May 2016 Social therapeutics is a “practice of method” for human and community development. What Lois Holzman and Fred...

This week's words are from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass—a very playful practical-philosopical book containing hundreds of thinking/speaking muddles. Here's two of them. I. White Queen: Let's consider your age to begin with—how old are you? Alice: I'm seven and a half exactly. White Queen: You needn't say "exactually: I can believe it without that....

Caught on Tape for August—Making a Conceptual Revolution with Lois Holzman and Eric Maisel Each month the Institute features a discussion of an audio or video recording from our web archives. These rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning-making, performance and play, learning...

Each June, I spend 2 weeks or so with an international group of innovators/activists/scholars/community organizers. They are the Institute's International Class, in NYC for the third and final residency of their 10 month program. It's a unique kind of time together—intensely active, intellectually and emotionally challenging and growthful for all, and...

Theatre and Improv with and for people with an autism or Asperberger's label are getting the attention they deserve. Check out these articles from American Theatre and the Huffington Post. The Curious Incidence of Theatre on the Autism Spectrum Teens With Autism Stretch, Grow And Laugh In Improv Classes At Second City    ...

On March 16 I had the pleasure of attending a symposium at which four Japanese colleagues presented their work. They were visiting the East Side Institute and All Stars Project to learn more, after having participated in a workshop I led months earlier in Kobe Japan. On their last day...

My colleagues and I at the East Side Institute have been leading online seminars and study programs for about ten years. They’re more like written conversations than formal classes, because even though there are readings and assignments, we’re not grading or evaluating anyone. No one’s getting university or continuing education...