Author: loisholzman

I want to tempt you to read this dialogic chapter written by me and Tomas Pernecky in his edited book, Postdisciplinary Knowledge. I thank Tomas for the fun we had and for the opportunity to contribute to the first book to articulate postdisciplinarity in philosophical, theoretical and methodological terms. Here's how...

A decade ago, when we discovered Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?", we found a kindred spirit for our community’s work in schooling (Schools for Growth) and afterschool development ( We were buoyed by his enormous popularity in passionately addressing the necessity of transforming schools. Over the...

"it's taken being locked down and closed in for us to be opened up"   The East Side Institute (Institute) of which I am the director is launching a new podcast in August called “All Power to the Developing.” I’d like to take its launch as an opportunity to share with you...

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel is the host of Positivity Strategist, an interview series focusing on positive change methodologies, including social construction and appreciative inquiry. The current shows in this fabulous podcast, conceived in collaboration with the Taos Institute, feature a diverse group of scholars and practitioners responding to the invitation—"What are the...