Author: loisholzman

November 29, 2010 A wonderful and important performance project is one being carried out by my friends at Performance of a Lifetime and the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins. Dubbed the Performance of Resiliency, the project began in 2008 and involves the entire oncology nursing department in developing their ability...

[caption id="attachment_785" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Celcilia Magalhães, Lois Holzman, Carrie Lobman, Fernanda Liberali"][/caption] November 22, 2010 With friend and colleague Carrie Lobman, I just returned from a ten-day trip to Brazil as the guests of two wonderfully talented educator/researchers—Fernanda Liberali and Maria Cecilia Magalhães from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Carrie...

October 30, 2010 I recently finished a revision of a chapter on social therapy, by Fred Newman and me, for a book being put together by Tom Strong (University of Calgary) and Andy Lock (Massey University), two long-time postmodern colleagues of ours. The book, Discursvie Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice, is scheduled...

October 25, 2010 That's the question that over 500 people from 38 countries played and performed with, and created conversations, dances, music and  skits about—and simultaneously shared the inspiring and creative work they are doing in their communities, schools, hospitals, universities, NGOs and neighborhood streets. The event was Performing the World 2010,...

September 14, 2010 One evening last month I had a terrific time creating conversation on language, speaking and thinking with five young performers—members of an all-youth cast that recently performed Macbeth on one of the stages at the All Stars Project in NYC. I was blown away by the show. It...

September 13, 2010 What would you call a center for development open to people of all ages? With an array of programs, workshops and classes spanning culture, performance, leadership, volunteerism? Offering sessions with development coaches as often as you wish? Having the opportunity to grow from all NYC has to offer?...