Author: loisholzman

Here’s something I’ve been mulling over for a long time (decades!): the “blessing and the curse” that is human language. What an invention! Making sounds together creating meanings, meanings creating and shaping and reshaping perceptions, concepts, beliefs, feelings, relationships, images, imagination… What we have done and continue to do with, and...

Hats off to Rachel Berstein for writing Communication: Spontaneous Scientists in the January 1, 2014 issue of Nature. Featured in the article along with funny man and improv devotee Alan Alda, is cell biologist Raquel Holmes, who began her business improvscience while a student in the program I run, The International Class....

December 29, 2013 Like most of us, I've seen puppies play with all kinds of things and animals and people, but birds???  This is new to me. The way this bird plays is quite something (and its playmate is adorable). Watch on YouTube ...