Author: loisholzman

Earlier this evening I completed a six-day residency period of The International Class of the East Side Institute. It was an intense period of conversation on all manner of psychological, phiosophical, political, cultural and completely mundane matters. The 9 current members of this year's hail from 5 countries—Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, the Netherlands,...

I'm excited to share a new project of mine. I'm series editor for a new collection of books for Palgrave Macmillan on the topic of Play, Performance, Learning and Development. Over the next three years (and maybe beyond) researchers and practitioners will have a multi-disciplinary "home" to publish their work...

[caption id="attachment_2074" align="aligncenter" width="478"] New Book and Coffee Cup[/caption]   I was so pleased to see this new book in the mail yesterday that I took a photo of it. Performance Studies in Motion originated in a 2010 conference at the University of Haifa: RS and PS: Richard Schechner and Performance Studies....

    I'll be playing "Development Tour Guide" once again this coming May 16-18 as I lead another Discover Development NYC weekend. It's a unique small-group experience in seeing and making culture in one of the world's most vibrant cities. Contact Melissa Meyer at if you're interested.   Click here for more information.     ...

I have very few photos of my life before age 20 and lots and lots since then. I found one of Murray and another of Murray and me. And here's one of Fred and one of Fred and me. [caption id="attachment_2053" align="alignright" width="208"] Fred and me, circa 1990[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2051" align="alignleft" width="300"]...

Filmmaker Michael Rossato Bennett explores what music is and its power to "awaken" people with dementia. Watch the clip from "Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory” premiering at the U.S. Documentary Competition at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. Bennett comments that we don't have the vocabulary for what music does to us...