05 Aug Words to Ponder # 28
Here is a slide show of Wittgenstein quotes I put together for the online course, Investigating Wittgenstein. Happy pondering! Investigating Wittgenstein ...
Here is a slide show of Wittgenstein quotes I put together for the online course, Investigating Wittgenstein. Happy pondering! Investigating Wittgenstein ...
Returning to my office this morning after a ten-day writing holiday, I found a delightful package waiting for me—several complementary copies of the new book, The Search for Method in STEAM Education by Jaime (Jim) E. Martinez. I’m sure I would have gotten one copy since I’m a close colleague...
Later this month I'll be posting the next and final chapter of The Overweight Brain. To whet your appetite (and maybe entice you to go back and read the book from the beginning), here's an interview with me by Janet Wootten—The Backstory of The Overweight Brain. Q: Lois, you’re about to post...
The latest issue of Idiom, the newsletter of New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL) contains an article by my friend and colleague Gwen Lowenheim. Congratulations Gwen! The entire newsletter issue can be read here. Magic Yet Mundane: The Social Creativity of Language By Gwen Lowenheim As humans, we...
It’s a delight when things you’re involved in converge and feed one another. I’ve been working on another chapter of The Overweight Brain and got momentarily stuck (like two days’ worth of stuck) in the middle of writing a section on “the unknown” and “the unknowable.” I’ve also been preparing for...
It’s been awhile since I wrote a post. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say—far from it! I could have written about the wonderfully developmental-for-all June residency and graduation of the East Side Institute’s 13th International Class. Or what it was like to be a panelist at the New...
These days, we could all use a a little Wittgenstein. Like this gem. One is often bewitched by a word. For example, by the word "know." Ludwig Wittgenstein ...
On Friday evening, June 9 I had the privilege and pleasure of creating conversation with prize-winning journalist and prominent psychiatry critic Robert Whitaker. Our topic was “Mad in America: Drugs, Diagnosis and Development” (an event sponsored by the East Side Institute). Aided by invitingly probing questions from moderator Janet Wootten...
Listen to this BBC radio show on play...
A little Walt Whitman for early Spring, 2017 “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God,...