05 Jul Words to Ponder #33
At certain points in history, the paradigm that generated so much information comes to function as a hindrance to the use of that information. Fred Newman...
At certain points in history, the paradigm that generated so much information comes to function as a hindrance to the use of that information. Fred Newman...
Today's words juxtapose the profound and the everyday imagination of Mark Twain. I. You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. II. One of my sorrows, when the summer ends, is that I must put off my cheery and comfortable white clothes and enter for the winter into...
Today's words are from psychologist Vesna Ognjenovic, whose long and full life dedicated to helping people to create a developmental and peaceful world ended this week. Her work and her inspiration continue! Vesna appeared in the video Performing the World 2007. A fellow follower of the revolutionary Vygotsky, Vesna had this...
Today's words are from Jackie Salit, President of IndependentVoting.org, the country’s leading strategy and organizing center for independents. Jackie's columns, talks and conversations cut through the mist that the news and its talking heads cover us with. This quote is from her essay, "Making Sense of the Senseless" (October 11, 2017). "The...
Today's words are from Nazim Hikmet (1902-1963), the Turkish poet, novelist and playwright who was repeatedly arrested for his political beliefs and spent much of his adult life in prison or in exile. ON LIVING Living is no laughing matter: you must live with great seriousness like a squirrel, for example— I mean without looking...
Here is a slide show of Wittgenstein quotes I put together for the online course, Investigating Wittgenstein. Happy pondering! Investigating Wittgenstein ...
These days, we could all use a a little Wittgenstein. Like this gem. One is often bewitched by a word. For example, by the word "know." Ludwig Wittgenstein ...
A little Walt Whitman for early Spring, 2017 “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God,...
Here's a provocative take on anger from Fred Newman (who often advises us to look in the mirror). Dialogue 52. Dealing with Anger as Activity (From Psychological Investigations: A Clinician's Guide to Social Therapy) Student 1: I understand that you believe that expressing anger is a choice. I know that if I...
"Science, Spirituality and Social Therapy" is the theme of this quote from Fred Newman (from the book Psychological Investigations: A Clinician's Guide to Social Therapy, Edited by Lois Holzman & Rafael Mendez). I think there is a powerful and important connection between spirituality and human growth. For the bulk of this...