Zone of Proximal Development Tag

August 19, 2009 Popular books, especially if they relate to current events, get reviewed  as soon as they are published—and sometimes before. Not so academic books. Alas, it's typically a year before a review appears in print. So I was pleasantly surprised today to find an email in my inbox from...

April 10, 2009 "It is not only a Vygotskian atmosphere where professionals share different backgrounds, but a zone where you may improve your human skills and to help others to perform a better world." --Ignacio Dalton, educational researcher, Buenos Aires Argentina "The class has been such a wonderful support system, helping...

February 15, 2009 This might be a first — invoking the Zone of Proximal Development to sell a health club! I was doing a "Vygotsky" search on UTube and the first one to come up was an ad for getting fit, not on your own but with others -  Shedfast on...