Zone of Proximal Development Tag

On Friday evening, April 29, 2016 I hosted a conversation with life-span developmental and cultural psychologist Joe Glick, Professor Emeritus at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The event was part of the East Side Institute’s ongoing series, “Making a Conceptual Revolution,” at which I interview...

You might enjoy this conversation between Fred Newman and me from 18 years ago! We're looking at the various Vygotskian inspired projects we and our community created and if and how they're "Vygotskian." It was fascinating seeing them in their earlier years (once I got over the shock of seeing a much...

Each June, I spend 2 weeks or so with an international group of innovators/activists/scholars/community organizers. They are the Institute's International Class, in NYC for the third and final residency of their 10 month program. It's a unique kind of time together—intensely active, intellectually and emotionally challenging and growthful for all, and...

My colleagues and I at the East Side Institute have been leading online seminars and study programs for about ten years. They’re more like written conversations than formal classes, because even though there are readings and assignments, we’re not grading or evaluating anyone. No one’s getting university or continuing education...

Thanks to my dear friend and colleague Professor Yuji Moro of Tsukuba University , my 2009 book Vygotsky at Work and Play is being published in Japan. Today Professor Moro posted the following on Facebook: "This is a cover of Japanese version of Lois Holzman's Vygotsky at Work and Play. It will...

    I spent the weekend with nine terrific people discovering and creating development.  The occasion was the spring Discover Development-NYC, a twice-a-year three day adventure that I have the privilege of leading thanks to the East Side Institute. People come together and immerse themselves in developmental activities of the Institute, the...

  Congratulations to Thomas Teo on the release of the Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, for which he served as editor. The massive (2400 pages) anthology published by Springer Reference is “the first reference work in English that comprehensively looks at psychological topics from critical as well as international points of view.” Teo,...