therapy Tag

October 30, 2010 I recently finished a revision of a chapter on social therapy, by Fred Newman and me, for a book being put together by Tom Strong (University of Calgary) and Andy Lock (Massey University), two long-time postmodern colleagues of ours. The book, Discursvie Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice, is scheduled...

August 10, 2010 I know hundreds of performers-social change workers (and know of hundreds more). But I'd not heard of Hector Aristizabal until Amazon sent me an email (just for me of course!) recommending his book written with Diane Lefer, entitled,  The Blessing and the Wound: A Story of Art, Activism,...

July 17, 2010 Participate in discovering/creating responses to this question by attending the sixth Performing the World conference: Performing the World 2010, September 30-October 3, 2010, New York City (hosted by All Stars Project, Inc and East Side Institute for Group and short Term Psychotherapy) “Can Performance Change the World?” Performing artists, community organizers, theatre workers,...

June 5, 2010 "As progressives we have come to believe that if people address the issue of human development—in direct and practical ways—we might indeed change the world." So reads the title page of a booklet the East Side Institute put out several years ago on our history, philosophy and programs. I...

September 16, 2009 In a few weeks, I’ll begin working (and playing) with a new International Class—grass roots community activists and scholars who will gather at the East Side Institute for their first residency. Coming from different places and professions, they share a desire to change the world—and an eagerness to...