therapy Tag

May 5, 2012 In addition to Catherine Jackson’s thoughtful and comprehensive overview of the issues involved in the DSM-5 controversy I wrote about  yesterday, there’s some other worthy reading. That’s partly due to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) holding its annual meeting this weekend in Philadelphia. Last week the APA posted the...

May 4, 2012 There’s an extensive and excellent discussion of the DSM-5 controversy on Therapy , an online publication of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. The article—“Diagnostic Disarray” by Catherine Jackson, Therapy Today’s Deputy Editor, which appeared in April—is unique compared to the dozens of news items, essays...

March 22, 2012 Today I read Joanne Cacciatore’s blog. She’s the founder of the MISS Foundation, an international nonprofit organization with 75 chapters around the world aiding parents whose children have died or are dying at any age and from any cause. (She’s also a professor and researcher at Arizona State...

March 17, 2012 A big thank you to Dr. Eric Maisel for having me as a guest blogger at his Rethinking Psychology column at Psychology Today. Check out the 3/16/12 post, asking "What if client and mental health provider co-created a diagnosis?"And become a regular reader of Rethinking Psychology....

March 13, 2012 "After the 1994 release of DSM-4, the APA instituted a policy requiring expert advisors to disclose drug industry ties. But the move toward transparency did little to cut down on conflicts, with nearly 70 percent of DSM-5 task force members reporting financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies—up from 57...

February 23, 2012 I don't usually promote activities here but now is an exception. Recent posts on the DSM-5 and all that it reveals about the ways our culture relates to human emotionality have drawn new readers (much thanks to everyone who’s reposting!). I've been introduced to many others who are...

February 16, 2012 In yesterday’s Huffington Post,  Dr. Eric Maisel asks, “Does Depression Exist?” Why’s he asking? To show that sometimes what we call things can create false realities. To invite readers to consider that this is what’s happened to our mental life and our feelings. To add a critical political/philosophical dimension to...

January 9, 2012 To go a bit deeper into the underlying problems with the theory and practice of psychology that the controversy over the DSM-5 exposes, I invite you to do some philosophizing. What assumptions must people be making— about persons; therapy, the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic discourse; illness, cure and treatment; emotions...