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This summer I drafted an article for a special issue on diagnostic alternatives of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Having learned that it will be at least a year before publication (which is ridiculous), I am making it available here. Feedback welcome! Diagnosis: A Thousand Ordinary People Speak Out Lois Holzman and Elisabeth...

Eric Maisel is conducting 100+ interviews on the future of mental health and posting them on his Psychology Today blog. Each week, he's summarizing them at Mad in America. Here's week 1's summary of The Future of Mental Health Interview Series And here's links to each interview Day 1: Bonnie Burstow on feminist psychotherapy and...

I'll be in London in March 2015 with colleague Jim Wilson to do a workshop at the Institute of Family Therapy. An Introduction to Social Therapeutics: How a Psychology of Becoming Informs a Non-diagnostic, Developmental Therapy Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th March 2015 Lois Holzman and Jim Wilson This conversational workshop will explore...

  Three weeks ago I was in Washington, DC for the First Summit on Diagnostic Alternatives. It marked what I think is an important turning point for what has been a loud outcry against the DSM-5. The Summit was sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Psychology, which has been a...

I few months ago I was invited to write a chapter for a book being published on the topic of critical psychotherapy, counseling and psychoanalysis. I’ve begun working on it this week and am at that early stage in writing (for me) where something is emerging, but I don’t know...

  Congratulations to Thomas Teo on the release of the Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, for which he served as editor. The massive (2400 pages) anthology published by Springer Reference is “the first reference work in English that comprehensively looks at psychological topics from critical as well as international points of view.” Teo,...