Patch Adams Tag

From Patch Adams and the Gesundheit Institute: Hello my friends! Lots of people have people have been calling me and telling me how sad, mad, or angry they feel about the political discussion lately. While we here at the Gesundheit Institute do not want to weigh into political discussions, we would like...

October 25, 2010 That's the question that over 500 people from 38 countries played and performed with, and created conversations, dances, music and  skits about—and simultaneously shared the inspiring and creative work they are doing in their communities, schools, hospitals, universities, NGOs and neighborhood streets. The event was Performing the World 2010,...

February 23, 2010 [caption id="attachment_403" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fred Newman and Patch Adams"][/caption] This past Saturday I had the privilege of hosting Patch Adams  for the day between two university presentations he was giving that morning and evening. The meeting was a long time coming; Patch ("the clown who is a doctor") and I...