Marxism Tag

July 10, 2013 When I last posted on May 29, I had just returned from Denmark where I co-taught a three-day course, ”Educational Psychology, Late-modernity and Social Therapeutics,” for PhD students in psychology at the University of Aarhus (Denmark’s second largest city). Two days later, I left for Singapore where I...

September 5, 2012 Ian Parker, a critical psychologist and practicing psychoanalyst, is professor of psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. He’s also a long-time friend and colleague of mine and the East Side Institute. Ian and I have participated in many conferences and events together, along with the late...

[caption id="attachment_1319" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Opening Plenary Ceremony[/caption]   August 14, 2012 The Second International Conference on Marxism and Psychology last week in Morelia Mexico was packed—about 700 participants, a good half of them Mexican university students and activists. It was challenging and fascinating to be part of the gathering of academics and activists,...

July 31, 2012 I didn’t mean to take more than a month off from writing my blog! I’ve been working on several projects—preparing presentations, writing two book proposals, reading applications to the Institute’s 2012-2013 International Class, working on the many aspects of the upcoming Performing the World 2012 conference, teaching an online...