community Tag

August 29, 2011 I'm on a working vacation at the beautiful ocean community of Montauk, at the very tip of Long Island. Today, after the preparations for and actuality of Hurrican Irene (which was not too bad out here), I got to some reading. One book is Rom Harre's Pavlov's Dogs...

July 11, 2011 Hundreds of messages are filling my inbox—outpourings of condolences, love and respect on the passing of Fred Newman. From all corners of the world those who studied with Fred, read one of our books, heard him speak in person or on video, or “met” him through others are...

  May 31, 2011 May is one of my favorite months of the year, with light lasting into the evening hours, baby green tree buds turning into adult green leaves, and bursts of color (both flowers and people’s clothing) dotting the city streets. But this year I spent the middle of the...

January 26, 2011 A young friend of mine, Francelli Chapman, keeps a very active blog that I’m learning a lot from. An example: This great quote from Maya Angelou’s book, Letter to My Daughter—“Never whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood.” Francelli calls her blog, “The...

January 18, 2011 If you need a pick-me-up today, something to inspire you, maybe this will do the trick: Ishita Sanyal is founder of the Calcutta-based grassroots mental health group, Turning Point, and an avid promoter and proselytizer on behalf of a social therapeutic approach to mental health. On a subcontinent where...

January 5, 2011 In December I was in Serbia for the annual meeting of  Zdravo da Ste, a community of a hundred or so Vygotskian-influenced educators, psychologists, social workers and artists who bring the joy of pointless performance to children and adults through workshops and ongoing programs. We spent the weekend...

[caption id="attachment_785" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Celcilia Magalhães, Lois Holzman, Carrie Lobman, Fernanda Liberali"][/caption] November 22, 2010 With friend and colleague Carrie Lobman, I just returned from a ten-day trip to Brazil as the guests of two wonderfully talented educator/researchers—Fernanda Liberali and Maria Cecilia Magalhães from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Carrie...

October 25, 2010 That's the question that over 500 people from 38 countries played and performed with, and created conversations, dances, music and  skits about—and simultaneously shared the inspiring and creative work they are doing in their communities, schools, hospitals, universities, NGOs and neighborhood streets. The event was Performing the World 2010,...

August 10, 2010 I know hundreds of performers-social change workers (and know of hundreds more). But I'd not heard of Hector Aristizabal until Amazon sent me an email (just for me of course!) recommending his book written with Diane Lefer, entitled,  The Blessing and the Wound: A Story of Art, Activism,...