Christine LaCerva Tag

Eric Maisel is conducting 100+ interviews on the future of mental health and posting them on his Psychology Today blog. Each week, he's summarizing them at Mad in America. Here's week 1's summary of The Future of Mental Health Interview Series And here's links to each interview Day 1: Bonnie Burstow on feminist psychotherapy and...

It’s time to change how we think about and relate to people whose makeup is or appears to be different from the norm. We now think of what’s different—let’s say a biological or neurological difference—as the main source of disability and difficulty, and we focus help and treatment on this....

I few months ago I was invited to write a chapter for a book being published on the topic of critical psychotherapy, counseling and psychoanalysis. I’ve begun working on it this week and am at that early stage in writing (for me) where something is emerging, but I don’t know...

December 19, 2012 “A lot rides on our capacity to be who we’re not.” So remarked Christine LaCerva, director of The Social Therapy Group and the East Side Institute’s clinical training. Christine was one of six who I assembled to address the topic, “The Therapeutic Power of Performance,” at a plenary session...

September 24, 2012 Today I’m going to do some more promotion for Performing the World 2012 (PTW 2012)—because I’m so excited about it! The opening reception on Thursday evening October 4 will be a community welcome to New York—featuring food prepared by dozens of New York City friends; greetings by myself and...

May 29, 2012 For much of this year, I’ve been writing about the need for more inclusive and public dialogue not only on the DSM-5 but the broader issue of the diagnostic way of life and alternatives to it. On Friday, June 8, I’ll be part of such a dialogue, as the...

May 4, 2012 There’s an extensive and excellent discussion of the DSM-5 controversy on Therapy , an online publication of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. The article—“Diagnostic Disarray” by Catherine Jackson, Therapy Today’s Deputy Editor, which appeared in April—is unique compared to the dozens of news items, essays...

February 14, 2011 In the early 1990s I edited a journal, Practice: The Magazine of Psychology and Political Economy (culture, sociology and economics were also covered and many issues included poetry and photos). No computer files exist and so any article has to be scanned if it's to be available to...