All Stars Project Tag

July 5, 2011 I share this news with deep sadness.  My dear friend, mentor and colleague Fred Newman passed away a few minutes before July 3 turned to July 4, Independence Day in the USA. Fred was nothing if not fiercely and passionately independent culturally and politically. But not psychologically or...

  April 20, 2011 One evening while studying in England, a young Ugandan man named Peter Nsubuga watched a BBC documentary in the home he was staying. The program was “Children of Africa.” Peter was no stranger to the scenes he watched, having grown up in the very conditions shown on the...

January 30, 2011 “Here is an idea for solving the education crisis in America. What if all the kids currently failing in school pretended to be good learners? What if all the adults – teachers, principals, administrators, parents – played along and pretended that the kids were school achievers, heading for...

January 23, 2011 As a practitioner of and theoretician on how play and performance are essential for development across the life span, I see people developing and transforming through their ensemble activities all the time—in the spaces and places where they’re invited and encouraged to actively create their performances of themselves....

October 25, 2010 That's the question that over 500 people from 38 countries played and performed with, and created conversations, dances, music and  skits about—and simultaneously shared the inspiring and creative work they are doing in their communities, schools, hospitals, universities, NGOs and neighborhood streets. The event was Performing the World 2010,...

September 14, 2010 One evening last month I had a terrific time creating conversation on language, speaking and thinking with five young performers—members of an all-youth cast that recently performed Macbeth on one of the stages at the All Stars Project in NYC. I was blown away by the show. It...

September 13, 2010 What would you call a center for development open to people of all ages? With an array of programs, workshops and classes spanning culture, performance, leadership, volunteerism? Offering sessions with development coaches as often as you wish? Having the opportunity to grow from all NYC has to offer?...

August 16, 2010 My good friend Dan Friedman has written a paper I highly recommend. Entitled “Theatre for Nothing,” the paper delineates how theatre is being instrumentalized, especially in relation to social change efforts. Dan urges that politically oriented theatre activists recognize the stifling effect this is having on the potential...