Words to Ponder

"Poverty is not a personal characteristic. It is social, it is political, it is one of the ways the world is organized, and it has a history. Radically accepting the poverty of one’s own life and community while simultaneously depersonalizing it makes possible a certain kind of growth/development—especially if one...

This week's words are from Fred Newman's and my book, Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist—restructured from text* to poem.   To reshape our emotional practice— to decide for ourselves what it is we want to do with anger, joy, humiliation and the rest of our incredibly complex subjectivity (which is nameless) and with the emotions newly created through/in the activity of building community that redefines...

This week's words are from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass—a very playful practical-philosopical book containing hundreds of thinking/speaking muddles. Here's two of them. I. White Queen: Let's consider your age to begin with—how old are you? Alice: I'm seven and a half exactly. White Queen: You needn't say "exactually: I can believe it without that....

This week's words to ponder are a few of the wonderfully ponderable quotes atrributed to the great Yogi Berra—baseball legend and a bona fide American wordsmith. (There are lots more in The Yogi Book.)  Yogi Berra passed away September 22, 2015 at the age of 90. “I really didn’t say everything I said.” “Don’t...