What’s New

If you're a reader of this blog you know I'm an advocate for diverse ways to support people who are experiencing emotional distress and for broadening the scope of treatment options. And that I work with many others not only to bring the voices of ordinary people into the dialogue...

This month Palgrave Macmillan is out with a new book, Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice. It's edited by Del Loewenthal, Professor of Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Roehampton in the UK. I've had the delight of meeting Del—on both sides of the pond. I have a chapter in...

Theatre and Improv with and for people with an autism or Asperberger's label are getting the attention they deserve. Check out these articles from American Theatre and the Huffington Post. The Curious Incidence of Theatre on the Autism Spectrum Teens With Autism Stretch, Grow And Laugh In Improv Classes At Second City    ...

April 7, 2015 Dear Readers, As I'm writing chapters on science and health I could use your input. Can you take minute to complete this poll? Thanks, Lois [column col="1/2"][yop_poll id="7"][/column] [column col="1/2"][yop_poll id="8"][/column]   See other reader polls by clicking here. See more about Lois' Book, The Overweight Brain here....

Lois Holzman Lives What She Teaches About Play By Jamie Turner February 9, 2015 Lois Holzman doesn’t just talk about play—she lives it. From her work as Director of the East Side Institute for Group & Short Term Psychotherapy, organizer of an international movement of play and performance activists called Performing the World, her...

I'll be in London in March 2015 with colleague Jim Wilson to do a workshop at the Institute of Family Therapy. An Introduction to Social Therapeutics: How a Psychology of Becoming Informs a Non-diagnostic, Developmental Therapy Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th March 2015 Lois Holzman and Jim Wilson This conversational workshop will explore...