What’s New

    Can We Perform Our Way to Power? The ninth Performing the World (PTW) conference will be held in New York City, Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25, 2016. As the practice, understanding and appreciation for performance and play continue to grow, the world context in which it spreads becomes more conflicted....

This week's words to ponder are a few of the wonderfully ponderable quotes atrributed to the great Yogi Berra—baseball legend and a bona fide American wordsmith. (There are lots more in The Yogi Book.)  Yogi Berra passed away September 22, 2015 at the age of 90. “I really didn’t say everything I said.” “Don’t...

On Friday evening October 2, I’ll be creating conversation with two women I deeply admire—Sheila McNamee and Jacqueline Salit. [caption id="attachment_2787" align="alignleft" width="199"] Sheila McNamee[/caption] Sheila is a leading social constructionist scholar and educator. She’s Professor of Communication at the University of New Hampshire and a founder, board member and vice president...

We’ve revamped the popular in-depth online course in social therapeutics: SOCIAL THERAPEUTICS & THE PRACTICE OF METHOD January 2016 begins the 7th year I’ve been leading the East Side Institute’s online certificate program in social therapeutics. In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to...

This post begins what I will try to make a weekly feature—a sharing of quotes that inspire me think/see/feel/relate in some (new) ways. Here's one I return to over and over again. "A psychology with a natural science method contains an insoluble contradiction.  It is a natural science about unnatural things [and produces]...

Each June, I spend 2 weeks or so with an international group of innovators/activists/scholars/community organizers. They are the Institute's International Class, in NYC for the third and final residency of their 10 month program. It's a unique kind of time together—intensely active, intellectually and emotionally challenging and growthful for all, and...

What's Developing in a World in Crisis? with Jackie Salit and Lois Holzman Each month the East Side Institute chooses an audio or video recording from its storehouse of talks and workshops. Some are classics, going back to the 1990s and featuring Fred Newman's annual lectures and plays. Others are from events...

I just got word that a new book to which I contributed is hot off the presses. It’s titled Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice. Editor Del Loewenthal, Professor of Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Roehampton in the UK, has done an impressive job of bringing...