Psychology of Becoming

Back: Mayari Perez Arroyo , Mike Pickering, Bashiru Lasisi, Guillermo Terisotto, Francisco Estefogo, Laura Sonnino, Martha McCoy, Eva Brenner. Front:  Andre Liberali, Mieke Lippstreu, Oscar Lozoya, Drazen Horvatic, Annie Rose Stathes.  This past Saturday (June 15, 2019) the happy group pictured above graduated as the 15th International Class of the East Side Institute (joining 130...

I spent last week with 16 Japanese professors and graduate students who traveled to NYC for an immersion in social therapeutics, the psychology of becoming, and a first-hand experience with how these "tools-and-results" help people grow by performing our sociality and building community. We had a wonderful time together. By...

  Here’s a recent article from The Washington Post that reports on an important and exciting trend in Alzheimer’s care: Changing the "Tragedy Narrative:" Why a Growing Camp Is Promoting a More Joyous Approach to Alzheimer’s. The article shines a spotlight on some of the many, many activists, advocates, caregivers and people living with dementia who are...

On Sunday, February 24, I’m hosting a live video interview—Can Conversation Cure? Developing the Practice of Talk Therapy. My guests are Tom Strong, a psychologist and counselor-educator at the University of Calgary, and Murray Dabby, an Atlanta-based social worker, therapist, trainer and relationshipcoach. It will take place 12 noon-1:30 p.m. Eastern U.S....

I'm super excited about the upcoming (in September) Performing the World conference and so privileged to be chairing it again! I'm sharing the first of many newsletters because these people deserve to be known!   Newsletter #1 July 3, 2018 Old Friends and New The 10th Performing the World 2018 (PTW) will take place in...