I got a letter from a non-human! A dog! My dog, Dino! Katy Bee, Dino and I presented at the Association of AppliedTherapeutic Humor Roundup on September 19. We had fun and I hope you enjoy it. Listen here...
Let's Learn! is is a year-old educational project that doesn't just pay lip service to the idea of life-long learning. Or life--long teaching also, for that matter. It practices it. A project of Lloyd International Honors College of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro in collaboration with the East Side Institute,...
Desire Wandan was a 16-year-old high school student in 2005. His school, Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn NY, is located in a mostly poor Caribbean immigrant neighborhood of Flatbush. Barbara Silverman was the school social worker at Erasmus. An experienced social therapist with a background that included working with teens,...
My guess is that this one will resonate with lots of folks! Read here...
To read...
I hope you recognize me! It's the logo for my new project—an advice column like no other! Check out The Developmentalist and, if you like it SHARE SHARE SHARE! ...