Psychology of Becoming

  During the second half of 2022, Bayo Akomolafe and I had a series of recorded Zoom conversations, with my Institute colleague Janet Wootten spurring us on, Bayo and I both wanted to make these conversations public. and you can find slightly edited transcripts of them here, titled A Meandering Search for Method: Becoming Human in a...

I was recently a guest on Sally Fox's podcast, Vital Presence. We had a delightful conversation that meandered through play, performance and development. Sally's website is Engaging Presence—an apt description of Sally herself! Please listen! Lois Holzman-the art of becoming through play and performance Alex Doman, Sound and brain health...

It’s become a tradition for faculty member Chris Helm to host the East Side Institute’s twice yearly Community Meeting and Fundraiser. Chris always gets everyone thinking with her educational and provocatively inspiring remarks that weave together current events, history, politics, science, and the Institute’s mission. This past November’s gathering was no...