
Today's words are from Jackie Salit, President of IndependentVoting.org, the country’s leading strategy and organizing center for independents. Jackie's columns, talks and conversations cut through the mist that the news and its talking heads cover us with. This quote is from her essay, "Making Sense of the Senseless"  (October 11, 2017).   "The...

Last week, as part of their residency in NYC, the East Side Institute's International Class went from Manhattan to the South Bronx. They visited the Bronx Documentary Center and were wowed by the current exhibit. Entitled "Whose Streets? Our Streets!" the show features nearly 40 photographers whose images of demonstrations...

Hello to my blog followers and fans of The Overweight Brain. If you live in the NYC metro area I’d love for you to join me IN PERSON for a Revolutionary Conversation on psychology’s glorification of the individual—taking place the evenings of Monday March 1 and 8 at the East Side...

I want to introduce you to a unique activist-scholar community that played an especially important role in my development. It's the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition (also known as LCHC or, simply, the Lab). Housed at the University of California San Diego since 1979, the Lab is a community of...

Dan Friedman (artistic director of the Castillo Theatre and associate dean of UX) and I were in Bogota Colombia last week at the invitation of former mayor Antanas Mockus and his organization Corpovisionarois. We were both keynote speakers at their International Conference on Citizenship Culture. This years theme was "Another...

  The Performing the World 2016 newsletters can't help but inspire you. Each newsletter features some of the creative performance activists presenting September 23-25 at this important gathering. Check back for more newsletters over the next two weeks.  ...

Performing the World (PTW) is a cross-disciplinary gathering of practitioners and scholars from every continent. Participants include performers and performance scholars, psychologists and social workers, physicians and nurses, educators and youth workers, community organizers and activists, and all others for whom performance, play and the creative/expressive arts offer a new...

Here's a sneak peek at the next chapter of The Overweight Brain. I'm giving it the working title — "The Cult(ure) of Science" Chapter 7. The Cult(ure) of Science My beef with science isn't that it’s a scam. Sciences like chemistry, anatomy, biology and physics—unlike psychology—don’t purposely distort what they’re studying to make it...