Performing the World

In this guest blog, two wonderful performance activists share their amazing work with you. Performing the world and we stay closer to one another By Cheng Zeng and Marian Rich Cheng: The Chinese lunar new year of the Mouse should have been a time for family reunions. Unfortunately, a devastating coronavirus has spread...

I'm super excited about the upcoming (in September) Performing the World conference and so privileged to be chairing it again! I'm sharing the first of many newsletters because these people deserve to be known!   Newsletter #1 July 3, 2018 Old Friends and New The 10th Performing the World 2018 (PTW) will take place in...

The tenth Performing the World (PTW) conference will be held in New York City, Friday, September 21 through Sunday, September 23, 2018. These are very uncertain days. So much is, or seems to be, falling apart – nations and government apparatus, norms of diplomacy and civil discourse, civil society, the glaciers...