Overweight Brain Mini Blog

I have very few photos of my life before age 20 and lots and lots since then. I found one of Murray and another of Murray and me. And here's one of Fred and one of Fred and me. [caption id="attachment_2053" align="alignright" width="208"] Fred and me, circa 1990[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2051" align="alignleft" width="300"]...

December 9, 2013 The phrase, the overweight brain, comes from Hamletmachine by Heiner Müller (1929-2005), the East German dramatist. Hamletmachine is a postmodern distillation and reconfiguration of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the play, Müller's Hamlet embodies the dead end of Western intellectual history—describing himself,  he says, “Like a hunchback I drag my overweight brain.” Fred Newman loved Müller’s...