
I'm happy to report that the expanded second edition of my book, Vygotsky at Work and Play is just three weeks away from publication (11/17/16). To give you a preview, here's an excerpt from my Introduction to the second edition. In his thoughtful and very generous Foreword to the first edition...

Dan Friedman (artistic director of the Castillo Theatre and associate dean of UX) and I were in Bogota Colombia last week at the invitation of former mayor Antanas Mockus and his organization Corpovisionarois. We were both keynote speakers at their International Conference on Citizenship Culture. This years theme was "Another...

  The Performing the World 2016 newsletters can't help but inspire you. Each newsletter features some of the creative performance activists presenting September 23-25 at this important gathering. Check back for more newsletters over the next two weeks.  ...

Performing the World (PTW) is a cross-disciplinary gathering of practitioners and scholars from every continent. Participants include performers and performance scholars, psychologists and social workers, physicians and nurses, educators and youth workers, community organizers and activists, and all others for whom performance, play and the creative/expressive arts offer a new...