Critical psychiatry

When I have an academic presentation to make or an article to write on social therapeutic methodology, it's usually an opportunity to play around with conceptions I've spoken and written about many times before. I like the challenge of creating new frames ("What do I want to say to this...

Continuing the theme of my last post on how critique and action and practice are and can be related, I share the introduction to the 2010 re-issue of Fred Newman's book Let's Develop! A Guide to Continuous Personal Growth. Newman's social therapy is one of the ways psychology is being...

For the past few weeks I’ve been leading, with Robert Whitaker, an online conversation entitled, "Mad in America: Where do we go from here?" The course is created through an asynchronous group email and real-time Zoom calls where people share experiences, respond to readings and videos, and pose questions and responses....

On Friday evening, June 9 I had the privilege and pleasure of creating conversation with prize-winning journalist and prominent psychiatry critic Robert Whitaker. Our topic was “Mad in America: Drugs, Diagnosis and Development” (an event sponsored by the East Side Institute). Aided by invitingly probing questions from moderator Janet Wootten...

  Hats off to PJ Moynihan (writer and producer), Oryx Cohen (producer) and Gayle Berg (executive producer) of “Healing Voices” for their documentary film exploring the experience labeled, “psychosis.” And hats off to the hundreds of community organizations worldwide who have, since its release in April 2016, sponsored more than 500...

Mad in America: A Conversation on Diagnosis, Drugs and Development with Lois Holzman and Robert Whitaker Friday, June 9, 7:00-8:30 p.m. NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, 245 Sullivan St., Rm 216 (betw. W 3 St. & Washington Sq South) Registration: $35; Student/Retired: $25 (At the door: $40; $30) So many things divide Americans today....

Hello to my blog followers and fans of The Overweight Brain. If you live in the NYC metro area I’d love for you to join me IN PERSON for a Revolutionary Conversation on psychology’s glorification of the individual—taking place the evenings of Monday March 1 and 8 at the East Side...

This summer I drafted an article for a special issue on diagnostic alternatives of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Having learned that it will be at least a year before publication (which is ridiculous), I am making it available here. Feedback welcome! Diagnosis: A Thousand Ordinary People Speak Out Lois Holzman and Elisabeth...