Community Organizing

May 9, 2012 The Institute jumped into the free webinar field at the beginning of this year. It's much simpler than I would have thought! We give people access to an audio or video. After listening/viewing, they can join an hour-long live chat, email questions and comments, or do nothing. I’ve led the...

May 5, 2012 In addition to Catherine Jackson’s thoughtful and comprehensive overview of the issues involved in the DSM-5 controversy I wrote about  yesterday, there’s some other worthy reading. That’s partly due to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) holding its annual meeting this weekend in Philadelphia. Last week the APA posted the...

May 4, 2012 There’s an extensive and excellent discussion of the DSM-5 controversy on Therapy , an online publication of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. The article—“Diagnostic Disarray” by Catherine Jackson, Therapy Today’s Deputy Editor, which appeared in April—is unique compared to the dozens of news items, essays...

April 30, 2012 Right after being at TEDMED I flew to Vancouver, British Columbia for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). There are 25,000 members! And about half that number actually come to the five-day meeting. These are the folks who teach education courses at colleges and...

February 23, 2012 I don't usually promote activities here but now is an exception. Recent posts on the DSM-5 and all that it reveals about the ways our culture relates to human emotionality have drawn new readers (much thanks to everyone who’s reposting!). I've been introduced to many others who are...

November 8, 2011 Please check out the latest issue of the East Side Institute’s newsletter, Reports from the Field, for news on what our friends, colleagues and alumni are up to. You’ll hear from Annalie Pistorius and her new social therapy practice in Pretoria South Africa, the synergy between Elina Lampert-Shepel and...

October 2, 2011 I'm thrilled to announce the next Performing the World (PTW) conference/festival, "Can Performance Change Save the World?" to take place in New York City October 4-7, 2012. Proposals are due March 1, 2012. The theme of the last PTW, held in 2010 and attended by over 500 people from dozens...

August 29, 2011 I'm on a working vacation at the beautiful ocean community of Montauk, at the very tip of Long Island. Today, after the preparations for and actuality of Hurrican Irene (which was not too bad out here), I got to some reading. One book is Rom Harre's Pavlov's Dogs...

July 20, 2011 I've written before about the All Stars Project's unique and fabulous UX, a free, open-to-all, university-style development center, but it's worth mentioning over and over. This new project creates its curriculum from suggestions for courses from those who want to learn and ideas from those who want to...