Community Organizing

I'm looking for people interested in exploring the politics, ethics and activity of a relational psychology of becoming.   Social Therapeutics and the Practice of Method: An Advanced Online Course with Lois Holzman and Faculty February — May 2016 Social therapeutics is a “practice of method” for human and community development. What Lois Holzman and Fred...

    Can We Perform Our Way to Power? The ninth Performing the World (PTW) conference will be held in New York City, Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25, 2016. As the practice, understanding and appreciation for performance and play continue to grow, the world context in which it spreads becomes more conflicted....

Each June, I spend 2 weeks or so with an international group of innovators/activists/scholars/community organizers. They are the Institute's International Class, in NYC for the third and final residency of their 10 month program. It's a unique kind of time together—intensely active, intellectually and emotionally challenging and growthful for all, and...

If you're a reader of this blog you know I'm an advocate for diverse ways to support people who are experiencing emotional distress and for broadening the scope of treatment options. And that I work with many others not only to bring the voices of ordinary people into the dialogue...

For this year's Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association in Chicago, I organized a symposium to bring Vygotsky's relevance to bear on the conference theme of "social justice." It worked! Those who attended the symposium—which I titled Vygotsky and Social Justice: Community Education and Community Development"—told me how...

[caption id="attachment_2613" align="aligncenter" width="2448"] Taipei view, next to our hotel[/caption] In April I I had the privilege of spending 5 days in Taiwan at the invitation of a dear long-time colleague, Lin-Ching Hsia. She is a political leader, a community activist and a professor of psychology at Fu-jen Catholic University in...

I'm honored to be receiving an award at the upcoming American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Chicago. It's really an award for everyone in the growing international development community. I'll post my talk at the end of April, so check back next month. ...