Community Organizing

Back: Mayari Perez Arroyo , Mike Pickering, Bashiru Lasisi, Guillermo Terisotto, Francisco Estefogo, Laura Sonnino, Martha McCoy, Eva Brenner. Front:  Andre Liberali, Mieke Lippstreu, Oscar Lozoya, Drazen Horvatic, Annie Rose Stathes.  This past Saturday (June 15, 2019) the happy group pictured above graduated as the 15th International Class of the East Side Institute (joining 130...

I'm super excited about the upcoming (in September) Performing the World conference and so privileged to be chairing it again! I'm sharing the first of many newsletters because these people deserve to be known!   Newsletter #1 July 3, 2018 Old Friends and New The 10th Performing the World 2018 (PTW) will take place in...

With deepening social and political crises worldwide, many who want to make a difference find that they need more. They search for new tools, methods, conceptions and approaches to move forward. Since 2004, the Institute’s flagship program, The International Class, has attracted over 100 passionate and creative scholars, researchers, clinicians and...

Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar: Lessons From Cultural-Historical Activity Research  This past week I participated in a symposium at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference held in NYC, along with two distinguished co-presenters, Kris Guitierrez and Anna Stetsenko. A diverse group of younger scholars served as interviewers, with many in the audience...

On March 3 I'll be in Puebla Mexico as a speaker at the Fifth International Conference on Consciousness and Spirituality, sponsored by the Transpersonal Instituto  Universitario of Puebla. To this organization, transpersonal postulates a paradigm shift and expands existing models related to human behavior. This year's theme is "The Consciousness of...

The tenth Performing the World (PTW) conference will be held in New York City, Friday, September 21 through Sunday, September 23, 2018. These are very uncertain days. So much is, or seems to be, falling apart – nations and government apparatus, norms of diplomacy and civil discourse, civil society, the glaciers...

The Future of Performance Psychology in Japan—what a privilege to be part of creating such a thing! In mid-August I made my third trip to Japan to share the methodology of social therapeutics with Japanese psychologists and educators. It was very exciting and gratifying to witness how people I had worked...