Activity Theory

August 29, 2011 I'm on a working vacation at the beautiful ocean community of Montauk, at the very tip of Long Island. Today, after the preparations for and actuality of Hurrican Irene (which was not too bad out here), I got to some reading. One book is Rom Harre's Pavlov's Dogs...

March 3, 2010 Please help me publicize a unique program—The International Class. I began this seven years ago and had no idea how much it would help me and all its participants grow, or how powerful the impact would be on community organizers and talented educators and peformers, or what a...

February 14, 2011 In the early 1990s I edited a journal, Practice: The Magazine of Psychology and Political Economy (culture, sociology and economics were also covered and many issues included poetry and photos). No computer files exist and so any article has to be scanned if it's to be available to...

January 30, 2011 “Here is an idea for solving the education crisis in America. What if all the kids currently failing in school pretended to be good learners? What if all the adults – teachers, principals, administrators, parents – played along and pretended that the kids were school achievers, heading for...

January 20, 2011 Here’s another blog I recommend: Jim’s Tech Class. The Online Home of Collaboration 3.0. Jim is Jaime (Jim) Martinez, PhD in Urban Education, former corporate computer techie and computer public school teacher, an innovator who understands how kids learn. I like his blog for his commentary on educational...

[caption id="attachment_785" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Celcilia Magalhães, Lois Holzman, Carrie Lobman, Fernanda Liberali"][/caption] November 22, 2010 With friend and colleague Carrie Lobman, I just returned from a ten-day trip to Brazil as the guests of two wonderfully talented educator/researchers—Fernanda Liberali and Maria Cecilia Magalhães from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Carrie...

October 30, 2010 I recently finished a revision of a chapter on social therapy, by Fred Newman and me, for a book being put together by Tom Strong (University of Calgary) and Andy Lock (Massey University), two long-time postmodern colleagues of ours. The book, Discursvie Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice, is scheduled...

May, 2010 I don't know Michael Thomas, Professor at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business in Japan, but I intend to. I want to thank him for the favorable and thoughtful review of Vygotsky at Work and Play that he wrote for the British Journal of Educational Technology.  He says so...

February 26, 2010 I'm so pleased and honored that my book Vygotsky at Work and Play was nominated for the Eleanor Maccoby Book Award in Developmental Psychology, given by Divison 7 (Developmental Psychology) of the American Psychological Association annually. I just posted the nomination on the Reviews page under Vygotsky at...