A Psychology of Becoming

Here's where I share what I'm thinking about. I would love your comments.

Let's Learn! is is a year-old educational project that doesn't just pay lip service to the idea of life-long learning. Or life--long teaching also, for that matter. It practices it. A project of  Lloyd International Honors College of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro in collaboration with the East Side Institute,...

Desire Wandan was a 16-year-old high school student in 2005. His school, Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn NY, is located in a mostly poor Caribbean immigrant neighborhood of Flatbush. Barbara Silverman was the school social worker at Erasmus. An experienced social therapist with a background that included working with teens,...

Earlier this year, I and the East Side Institute became official members of Catalyst 2030, a global movement of people and organizations committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) by 2030. To date, 1300 organizations and 1700 individuals,representing 197 countries are members. It's a privilege for us to be part of Catalyst's Mental Health Collaboration whose members share a vision of a world where healthcare and community organizations incorporate mental wellbeing into practice models. I am especially pleased to be among the members profiled in CATALYST 2030: THE MENTAL HEALTH COLLABORATION. Take a few moments to meet some amazing people in this attractive pamphlet.