28 Dec Faces and Places
Some favorite photos from an eventful 2014...
Some favorite photos from an eventful 2014...
My colleagues and I at the East Side Institute have been leading online seminars and study programs for about ten years. They’re more like written conversations than formal classes, because even though there are readings and assignments, we’re not grading or evaluating anyone. No one’s getting university or continuing education...
Social Therapeutics and the Practice of Method A 20-week online certificate program w/ Lois Holzman & Faculty January – June 2015 It's one of my favorite activities! Check it out. What does a five-month, online, group study on a postmodern, performance based approach to human development look like? Well, according to our most recent...
For some more on my trip to Japan, please read my Psychology Today column, "The Grand Prix of Hallucinations" In this community, people don't try to silence the voices they hear or keep them to themselves. They socialize them, study them, play with them, and gain the courage to live joyously. ...
My week in Japan was gratifying in so many ways, most of all the experience of being a participant in the ongoing process of organizing the young generation of Japanese teacher educators and psychology researchers. (A close second was the wonderful taste and visual pleasure of every meal I was...
I've been in Japan since Thursday November 6 and I'm half way thorugh my trip. I'll be sharing a more comprehensive report once I return home. I was privileged to present a keynote adress to the Japanese Association for Educational Psychology conference in Kobe on Friday. I titled it The How...
I posted a Psychology Today A Conceptual Revolution column yesterday, “Do You Need a Diagnosis to Get Some Help?” There I shared an overview of what happened when a team of volunteers from the East Side Institute and Social Therapy Group conducted a survey on diagnosis at Harlem Week, a...
Three weeks ago I was in Washington, DC for the First Summit on Diagnostic Alternatives. It marked what I think is an important turning point for what has been a loud outcry against the DSM-5. The Summit was sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Psychology, which has been a...
I’m excited to be leading a Revolutionary Conversation sponsored by the Institute this fall—the subject of which is Ludwig Wittgenstein and his views on language, logic, learning and looking. Wittgenstein was a unique, eccentric and brilliant 20th century philosopher who took apart nearly every concept that underlies how psychology, education and...
“What do you think of the relevance of social therapeutics to China and Chinese psychology?” This is one of the questions posed to me by a Chinese colleague, Bo Wang, who is an assistant professor in the psychology department at Nanjing University. Bo and I have known each other for a...