A Psychology of Becoming

Here's where I share what I'm thinking about. I would love your comments.

On Friday evening, June 9 I had the privilege and pleasure of creating conversation with prize-winning journalist and prominent psychiatry critic Robert Whitaker. Our topic was “Mad in America: Drugs, Diagnosis and Development” (an event sponsored by the East Side Institute). Aided by invitingly probing questions from moderator Janet Wootten...

  Hats off to PJ Moynihan (writer and producer), Oryx Cohen (producer) and Gayle Berg (executive producer) of “Healing Voices” for their documentary film exploring the experience labeled, “psychosis.” And hats off to the hundreds of community organizations worldwide who have, since its release in April 2016, sponsored more than 500...

The International Class is the signature program of the East Side Institute. I'm so proud to have taught and coached over 100 activists, educators, counselors, theatre artists and scholars over the years, and played a part in their development as leaders in a new kind of social activism. Read what one...

I just rewatched this wonderfully intimate and informative video of a plenary session at Performing the World 2012. It begins with some talented improvisors setting the scene, so to speak, for the conversation among five performance activists—Lin-Ching Hsia from Taiwan, Christine LaCerva from NYC, Charles Rozman from France, Lenora Fulani...

My last post, “Police and Teens, Connecting” (March 29, 2017 ) pointed to an article that appeared in The New York Times that same day. The article featured a unique kind of “connecting” of police and teens—Operation Conversation: Cops & Kids, a program of the All Stars Project in partnership with the...

Hello to my blog followers and fans of The Overweight Brain. If you live in the NYC metro area I’d love for you to join me IN PERSON for a Revolutionary Conversation on psychology’s glorification of the individual—taking place the evenings of Monday March 1 and 8 at the East Side...

I'm proud to be series editor! This series showcases research, theory and practice linking play and performance to learning and development across the life span. Bringing the concerns of play theorists and performance practitioners together with those of educational and developmental psychologists and counsellors coincides with the increasing professional and public...

My Facebook feed this morning made me happy. Here’s why— That’s Marian Rich—long-time friend, colleague and member of the current  International Class of the East Side Institute—holding a copy of the new Second Edition of my book, Vygotsky at Work and Play. I’m excited for Marian and others to read it! Here’s...