26 Apr New Letter to The Developmentalist: I’m Frustrated by My Students’ Passivity!
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Read letter here...
"If the human race is still here in 100 years, it will be because of lots of people doing lots of little things. Bigger things can get co-opted or bought off by the powers that be. But if there are many, many little things going on it will be too...
I'm so delighted by a project initiated by friends in Taiwan that I decided to share it with readers. What follows is a guest post written by Pei and Joe Spirito. Enjoy! Speak English Any Way You Want By Pei and Joe Spirito For the last year or so, we’ve been teaching a...
The opening paragraph of "We’re Obsessed with Labelling Suffering, But Our Power to Think about it Matters More," a post on Mad in America by Charlotte Beale The philosopher Ian Hacking described a looping effect, whereby people adjust themselves to become more like the labels foisted upon them. “Sometimes, our sciences create...
I was recently a guest on Sally Fox's podcast, Vital Presence. We had a delightful conversation that meandered through play, performance and development. Sally's website is Engaging Presence—an apt description of Sally herself! Please listen! Lois Holzman-the art of becoming through play and performance Alex Doman, Sound and brain health...