Author: loisholzman

Through the programs of the East Side Institute I've had the privilege of working with hundreds of people around the world who have added elements of social therapeutics/a psychology of becoming to their practices as educators, artists, performers, youth workers, therapists, health workers, psychologists, and community organizers. At this date,...

    I spent the weekend with nine terrific people discovering and creating development.  The occasion was the spring Discover Development-NYC, a twice-a-year three day adventure that I have the privilege of leading thanks to the East Side Institute. People come together and immerse themselves in developmental activities of the Institute, the...

In my latest The Overweight Brain poll, read some great Wittgenstein quotes and choose your favorites! Here are the quotes. (To vote, go to the Reader Poll slider on the home page, click on it and scroll down to the poll.) “The atmosphere surrounding this problem is terrible. Dense clouds of language...