Author: loisholzman

  Three weeks ago I was in Washington, DC for the First Summit on Diagnostic Alternatives. It marked what I think is an important turning point for what has been a loud outcry against the DSM-5. The Summit was sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Psychology, which has been a...

  I’m excited to be leading a Revolutionary Conversation sponsored by the Institute this fall—the subject of which is Ludwig Wittgenstein and his views on language, logic, learning and looking. Wittgenstein was a unique, eccentric and brilliant 20th century philosopher who took apart nearly every concept that underlies how psychology, education and...

Thanks to my dear friend and colleague Professor Yuji Moro of Tsukuba University , my 2009 book Vygotsky at Work and Play is being published in Japan. Today Professor Moro posted the following on Facebook: "This is a cover of Japanese version of Lois Holzman's Vygotsky at Work and Play. It will...

I few months ago I was invited to write a chapter for a book being published on the topic of critical psychotherapy, counseling and psychoanalysis. I’ve begun working on it this week and am at that early stage in writing (for me) where something is emerging, but I don’t know...