Author: loisholzman

I'll be in London in March 2015 with colleague Jim Wilson to do a workshop at the Institute of Family Therapy. An Introduction to Social Therapeutics: How a Psychology of Becoming Informs a Non-diagnostic, Developmental Therapy Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th March 2015 Lois Holzman and Jim Wilson This conversational workshop will explore...

          Practicing Method: Social Therapy as Practical–Critical Psychology Lois Holzman Article first published online: 17 DEC 2014 Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords: practical–critical;methodology;dialectics;tool-and-result;practice of method;Marx;Vygotsky;Wittgenstein;social therapy ABSTRACT What Marx referred to as “practical–critical, revolutionary practice” has been shaped into a human development practice of method, that is, social therapeutics, and its psychotherapy, social therapy....

The Sunday, December 21, 2014 New York Times feature article, "Raising their Sights," on inspiring students at community colleges. The piece features La Gaurdia Community College psychology professor, Eduardo Vianna. Eduardo is a long-time friend and colleague. Read about his inique and effective program, the Peer Activist Learning Community....

My colleagues and I at the East Side Institute have been leading online seminars and study programs for about ten years. They’re more like written conversations than formal classes, because even though there are readings and assignments, we’re not grading or evaluating anyone. No one’s getting university or continuing education...