12 Sep Words to Ponder #3
Something which is only supposed to take shape at the very end of development, somehow influences the very first steps in this development. Lev Vygotsky ...
Something which is only supposed to take shape at the very end of development, somehow influences the very first steps in this development. Lev Vygotsky ...
We’ve revamped the popular in-depth online course in social therapeutics: SOCIAL THERAPEUTICS & THE PRACTICE OF METHOD January 2016 begins the 7th year I’ve been leading the East Side Institute’s online certificate program in social therapeutics. In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to...
"I love to discover potential in people who aren't thought to have any." Oliver Sacks, who passed away on August 26, 2015 ...
“What we need is more facilities where people can walk in and say 'Hey, I'm feeling really down today. Can I just be here for a while and see what could be a contribution to me and make me feel better?' I think this is true for most people but...
Thanks to APA symposium (“Beyond the DSM: Current Trends in Devising New Diagnostic Alternatives”) discussant Sarah Kamens for bringing to our attention a chilling essay reviewing the DSM-5. Author Sam Kriss “reviews” the book as if it were a dystopian novel like 1984 and Brave New World. The essay appeared...
This post begins what I will try to make a weekly feature—a sharing of quotes that inspire me think/see/feel/relate in some (new) ways. Here's one I return to over and over again. "A psychology with a natural science method contains an insoluble contradiction. It is a natural science about unnatural things [and produces]...
I've been rereading my Psychology Today columns since I began writing them over two years ago. It's something I'm doing while I'm finishing up writing a chapter on psychology for my online book, The Overweight Brain: How our obsession with knowing keeps us from getting smart enough to make a better...
Inner City Youth Need Development, Not Just Jobs Nice piece in the Chicago Business Journal with David Cherry, City Leader of All Stars Project Chicago and of the Chicago branch of its Development School for Youth. ...
Caught on Tape for August—Making a Conceptual Revolution with Lois Holzman and Eric Maisel Each month the Institute features a discussion of an audio or video recording from our web archives. These rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning-making, performance and play, learning...
I'm a big fan of Sugata Mitra. His work creating environments for and documenting self organizing learning environments (SOLE) is stunning. And here in his 2103 TED Talk about half way into the talk he raises the question, "Is Knowing obsolete?" And answers YES! I'm going to send him Fred Newman's...